Spotlight on Women: Hayley Blades

At Valentia Partners we focus on making our workplace a more diverse and inclusive environment for everyone. Operating in a male dominated industry, we wanted to shine a spotlight on our women and enable them to tell their stories of success and what inspired them to pursue a role in Management Consulting. Below you can read more about Hayley’s experience.

Hayley Blades | Manager

What inspired you to pursue the career path that you are on?

Quite honestly it happened by accident. Having done a Sociology degree, I stumbled upon an opportunity to go to a graduate recruitment night at an investment bank in London. I thought it would be good practice for those types of recruitment events, and quite by surprise I got the job in Derivative Operations. I’ve undertaken many different roles in Banking and Financial Services over the years, but I did quite quickly come to realise that I was passionate about people, problem solving, and delivering positive change, which helped me to navigate my career path, landing me where I am today.

What does a typical day for you look like?

As a Programme Manager, my key objective is to deliver projects under my Programme within scope, budget and the agreed timeframe. My days are typically filled with meetings about task, stakeholder and budget management. On a frequent basis, I bring the right people together to solve problems and agree the right ways forward, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal. Reporting is a large part of what I do, to ensure that the appropriate people are informed of the status of my Programme so that they can provide steer and support when necessary.

How do you continue to grow professionally?

I’m always open to the next challenge and opportunity to develop myself and make a positive contribution to the people and businesses I am involved with. I try to keep an open mind to new opportunities that come along, even if it’s not necessarily within the original plan.

Tell us about an accomplishment you are proud of?

Upon joining Valentia Partners, I threw myself into bringing the Women’s Network to life. It’s been so lovely to have been part of its growth and to have gotten to know all the amazing women across the company’s three offices. The constant support, sharing and collaboration I see going on in this space brings a smile to my face on a daily basis. I hope it continues to grow and encourages the females within our business to be strong leaders, presently and in the future.

Tell us about a woman who has made a positive impact on your career?

There have been many! Firstly, my mother brought me up to be determined, resourceful, and to believe in myself, whilst also being considerate, respectful and humble. Secondly, I always remember my GCSE Chemistry teacher (not my favourite subject at school!) telling me that it’s the challenges we overcome in life which we learn most from. Thirdly, our very own Olive Farrell helped me to find my professional confidence again, following a year of maternity leave. I will never forget her kindness, understanding and encouragement during this time. These women haven’t just had a positive impact on my career, but on my life in general.

How do you define success?

An ability to continue to find a way through, even when the path is littered with obstacles and challenges. Success is not an end state to be achieved, it’s part of a continuous journey. As Winston Churchill said, “Success and failure are just a part of our journey, both are just a phase of life and aren’t permanent”.

How do you achieve balance between your work and personal life?

Being a working mum, I make sure that I organise my time carefully and prioritise regularly (sometimes multiple times a day), constantly assessing what’s important and urgent, and what’s important and not so urgent.

What advice would you give other women starting out in their career?

Build and maintain a strong and varied network, and never burn your bridges with people or companies. Remember to always treat people with respect regardless of their position.

What has been the best advice you have received to date relating to your career?

Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable for too long, continue to grow your knowledge, skills and network. Also, be true to yourself and find something that you are passionate about, even if it’s only a small part of your overall job. We don’t all love our jobs, all of the time.

What do you enjoy most about working in Financial Services?

The abundance of opportunities which present themselves (sometimes unexpectedly), which enable me to pivot, transition, and explore new things.

What makes a great leader?

Somebody who is, a strong communicator, authentic, empathetic, selfless, passionate, driven, and a strong visionary. A leader should bring out the best in others.

“A good leader can inspire people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves”.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

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